Izabela Szczepaniak-Wiecha

Izabela Szczepaniak-Wiecha

Trainer, group process facilitator, certified coach

Trainer, group process facilitator, certified coach. Majored in sociology and educational studies at the Jagiellonian University. She conducts psychological and educational workshops, trainings and development groups, trainings for companies and institutions.

She specialises in trainings in such areas as developing interpersonal and communication skills, solving conflicts, building relations and cooperation in a team, cooperation-based leadership, preventing burnout and coping with stress, work-life balance.

She has experience in organising trainings for various clients  – teachers, scientists, managers and employees from companies and corporations, social service employees, the unemployed, employees and volunteers from NGOs.

She has conducted trainings i.a. for ABB, Alior Bank, Bank Zachodni WBK, IBM, ING Bank Śląski, Netia, Netto, Orange, Play, PZU, Shell, State Street, Valeo, Wojskowa Komenda Uzupełnień, ROPS, Szkoła Główna Handlowa, Municipal Social Service Centre, Stowarzyszenie WIOSNA, Stowarzyszenie Szkoła Liderów (as part of projects such as Women’s Leadership, Szkoła Liderów Społeczeństwa Obywatelskiego), Stowarzyszenie Doradców Europejskich PLinEU, Stowarzyszenie Przyjaciół Integracji, Fundacja Przestrzeń Rozwoju.

She cooperates with the Empathy-Based Trainer Programme, where she conducts selected courses for trainers.

She also organised individual coaching in such areas as life coaching and career coaching.